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Dr. Kara Lawman MB BS

Our team leader, Dr Lawman has worked as a GP, Psychiatrist, and currently works as a Life Coach.

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Rachel kenward BA Hons

Before becoming a life coach in 2014, Rachael worked with young people from a variety of disadvantaged backgrounds. She now coaches individuals and groups of all ages.

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jessica fisher MSc

Jessica has 14 years specialist clinical and teaching experience in adult mental health and wellbeing settings.

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henry ford

Henry identified that many of his business clients struggled with their emotional health and wellbeing, preventing them from living a full and fruitful life. He now coaches those same leaders, releasing them to achieve both personal and corporate goals.


lynne jones

Lynne has vast experience working with children and teenagers across a variety of roles including local, national and international youth projects, and leads a local community project.

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