Welcome to our advent series and thanks for joining us! You are joining with a community of nearly 100 people committed to walking a more peace-filled and Christ-centred journey through advent. Join our community!
Each Sunday between now and the 22nd December we will send you a new meditation practice based on one of the themes of the Celtic antiphon prayers.
This first practice is oriented around the centrality of Christ. In the build up to Christmas it can be easy to get swept up in the business of the season. This practice calls our hearts back to truth and life. Christ holds all things together and is at the centre of it all! This weeks’ scriptural reading is from John 1. As we take time to hold in mind the centrality of Christ, we remind ourselves that He was there at the dawn of time and He is with us now.
We would love to hear about your experience, so please feel free to send me an email with reflections following the practice or to share anything you feel God has spoken to you through this resource. We will then be able to summarise your responses to encourage our advent community as we journey together.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Alistair Goudie for composing the beautiful music that accompanies these practices. Subscribe to receive them in your inbox.
Listen to week two's meditation here.
We hope you enjoy.
With love and Blessings,
Jess and the the Rewire Team